Shell & SSH Access

For our VIP Membership we provide access via SSH to the limited Shell enviroment. This function is dedicated especially for more advanced users whos are familiar with CLI and Linux enviroment. The goal of this service is not to offer a full-fledged root shell, but to simplify or enable some more complicated operations directly on the server.

The shell works separately for each system user. New Shell user can be created in the Hosting Control Panel.


Shell (incl. SFTP access) is available only for VIP Membership.

It is also possible to use SSH keys and it is not always necessary to enter a password when connecting. Bash running in normal mode is used as a shell, so it is possible to redirect input and output from / to a file or to pass data between commands using a pipe.

Available Shell commands

Standard Shell commands

cp  egrep   false   grep    gzip    less    ls      more    nano    rm      sed     touch   uncompress
cat date    echo    fgrep   gunzip  chmod   mkdir   mv      pwd     rmdir   tar     zcat    mysqldump
awk cut     find    head    less    mcedit  md5sum  scp     ssh     tail    wget    clear   vim.tiny
mc  mcview  mysql   rsync   sort    tac     tr      vi      wc      zip     unzip   gawk    basename
id  diff    patch   host    du      bzip2   bunzip2 xz      unxz    bzcat   xzcat   realpath

EmShell commands can be executed only as: bash

Special Shell commands


Syntax: composer [args]


You cannot run composer self-update. If you need to use another version of the Composer, you can download it on your own from Composer official website.


Syntax: ffmpeg [args] input file output file


The output file is always the last parameter in the command.


Syntax: ffprobe [args] input file output file


The output file is always the last parameter in the command.


Syntax: phpXY script [--] [parameters]

Runs a PHP script "script" with an optional parameter or parameters "parameters", any output is written to standard output. Optional delimiter -- should be used in a situation where a parameter starting with a hyphen is passed to the PHP script.

Where XY is PHP version you want to execute your script by. Supported PHP versions are:

  • PHP5.6 - php56
  • PHP7.0 - php70
  • PHP7.1 - php71
  • PHP7.2 - php72
  • PHP7.3 - php73
  • PHP7.4 - php74
  • PHP8.0 - php80
  • PHP8.1 - php81
  • PHP8.2 - php82
  • PHP8.3 - php83


php73 myscript.php
php70 myscript.php -- --param=value
php56 myscript.php -- some:param


Syntax: php script [--] [parameters]

Same as previous command phpXY but it uses default PHP version configured in your shell. The default PHP version is same as PHP version you are using on your website. So, if you have configured PHP7.3 for your website in the Hosting Control Panel, php7.3 will be used as default for php command in your shell. The command usage (syntax) is the same as in examples above.

To change default PHP version for php command use php_chooser command first. This is described bellow.


Syntax: wp command [global params]

Command wp is a WP-CLI utility to manage your Wordpress via CLI. More informatio about WP-CLI you can find in this article or the official WP-CLI utility website.


Syntax: wkhtmltoimage [global options] input output

Command is used to convert HTML page to image. As input use static HTML page from a file or you can use remote website by http protocol. As output file is an image.


Syntax: wkhtmltopdf [global options] input output

Command is used to convert HTML page to a PDF document. As input use static HTML page from a file or you can use remote website by http protocol. As output file is an PDF document.


Syntax: php_chooser version

Command is used to change default PHP version for php command. Parameter version is required and valid values are:

  • php5.6
  • php7.0
  • php7.1
  • php7.2
  • php7.3
  • php7.4
  • php8.0
  • php8.1
  • php8.2

Example: To change default PHP version to PHP7.2 use: php_chooser php7.2


Changes take effect immediately.

Bash script example